Think ice fishing is old fashioned? Think again! The Fish Nerds are here to tell you that modern ice fishing in New Hampshire incorporates technology, all of the creature comforts you could ever want and a generous helping of fun and camaraderie.
Listen to their conversation, with Virginia, below.

Myth: Ice Fishing is cold.
Well, it sure doesn’t have to be. Bob houses and fishing huts can accommodate a heater large enough to keep you warm while you wait for the fish to bite. Dave and Clay told us about a guy who puts a hot tub next to his bob house and stays nice and toasty all season long.
Myth: Ice fishing is for men trying to escape their families and drink beer.
While that may be true for some, ice fishing is a great activity for the whole family and drinking beer is not a requirement.
Myth: I'll never catch a fish.
There are never guarantees when it comes to fishing, but technology can give you the upper hand. Cameras lowered below the ice can give ice fishers a sneak peek into the lives of fish below the ice and maybe help catch a few.

Myth: Loud, creaky ice is dangerous.
On the contrary! If you can hear the ice snap, crackle and pop that means it’s expanding and getting thicker and therefore safer. As the Fish Nerds say: “You won’t hear ice melting.”

Other important safety tips: Always check the ice before you venture out with your hut. This is accomplished by chiseling into the ice as you walk out onto the lake or pond. If the chisel goes through the ice easily, you might want to reconsider your ice fishing activity for the day. You’ll want a good 4-6” of solid ice before you set up shop. Happy fishing!