Every four years brings a new round of comparisons between New Hampshire and Iowa, the first two states in the presidential nominating calendar. Discussions about voters in the two states tend to focus on demographic differences like religion and political leanings.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, however, has a different benchmark to assess the states' electorates: sheer attitude.
"Iowans are a little more laid back, a little more, kind of, sitting and keeping their arms folded, saying 'Let me listen more, let me see,'" Christie said during an appearance on MSNBC Monday morning.
Granite Staters, on the other hand, "are a little more flinty, a little more pushy," Christie said. "They want to ask you something, and they want to do it now. They don't want to wait."
Of course Christie, who has spent more time campaigning in New Hampshire than most other Republican candidates this year, has a reputation for impatience himself. So perhaps he's just projecting. Or maybe he's just starting to feel at home after logging so many miles in the Granite State.