Petitions opposed to a proposal to put a 35-room hotel on Mt. Washington have attracted some 4,000 signatures. And at least 500 people have signed a petition favoring the project.
But neither side will have a chance to express their opinions at a Coos Planning Board meeting Thursday evening in Lancaster.
Coos County Planning Board chairman John Scarinza says the meeting on the hotel plan is open to the public, but it’s too soon for the board to hear comments because there is no formal application.
Instead, developer Wayne Presby is going to discuss the concept for the hotel, not a detailed plan, Scarinza says.
“The purpose of the preliminary consultation with the board is for an applicant to bounce ideas off the board, for the board to maybe ask questions and say to the applicant: ‘Hey, here are some issues that we think you might need to consider,’ ” Scarinza says.
Public input is important and if the board receives a formal application there will be plenty of time for comments, including a public hearing, Scarinza says.
Presby says the full-service hotel would be located about a mile below the summit astride the Mt. Washington Cog Railway, owned by the Presby and Bedor families.
The meeting begins at 7 pm in the North Country Resource Center in Lancaster.