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0000017a-15d9-d736-a57f-17ff8f680000Coverage of the 2016 races in New Hampshire, from the White House to the State House.

National Democrats Urge Hassan to Jump into Senate Race

AP/Allegra Boverman
Senator Harry Reid and Governor Maggie Hassan

As Harry Reid, the Senate’s Democratic leader, prepares to retire from Congress, he’s turning his attention to the handful of races next year that could sway control of the Senate. And, according to a recent story in Politico, Reid has taken a particular interest in New Hampshire – specifically the question of whether Gov. Maggie Hassan will jump into the Senate race herself.  

While Hassan has declined to share her plans for next year, “Reid has privately urged her to run,” Politico reports.

The story mentions the ongoing fight between Hassan and Republican legislators as a possible obstacle to her running for Senate. In fact, Hassan has said she won’t make any decision about 2016 until the budget debate has been resolved, which could be as last as this autumn. Still, party leaders consider her their “best – and perhaps only – shot at beating Republican Kelly Ayotte,” Politico reports.

Reid is not alone in his courting of Hassan, according to the story. His overtures are “part of the party’s full-court press” to get her to run take on Ayotte.

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