The Cold War might be over but the two former enemies are hardly on warm terms. Sore points for the U.S. include Russia’s shielding of NSA-leaker Edward Snowden, its anti-gay laws, and its support for the Syrian regime. But Putin-led Russia has its own complaints against the West, and seeks greater respect on the world stage. Now, These geopolitical dramas form the backdrop to the Sochi Olympics, considered a chance for Russia to boost its global reputation.
- Daniel Benjamin – director of the Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth. He was the State Department counterterrorism coordinator from 2009-2012, when he worked regularly with Russians on security matters. He will be speaking at Dartmouth later today at a symposium called "Olympic Challenges: Russia in the Time of Sochi."
- Erik Cleven - assistant professor in the politics department at Saint Anselm College. He does research on transnational terrorism and ethnic violence, and teaches courses about human rights. His background includes experience in the former Yugoslavia and the North Caucasus.
- Lionel Ingram – a lecturer in political science at UNH, he teaches courses about international relations, including U.S.-Russia relations. He ended his decades-long career in the U.S. Army with the rank of colonel.