Outside/In is a show where curiosity and the natural world collide. It combines solid reporting and long-form narrative storytelling to bring the outdoors to you wherever you are. You don’t have to be a whitewater kayaker, an obsessive composter, or a conservation biologist to love Outside/In. It’s a show for anyone who has ever been outdoors. In short, it’s a show for *almost* everyone.
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Is the color blue rare in nature? Yes and no.
We sing along at concerts. We chant at protests. We belt it out at birthday parties. Why do humans sing together?
In this special collaboration between Outside/In and Tumble Media, we answer a serious question about silly behavior: “Why do some animals play, and some animals don’t?”
Last summer, browntail moths were found in the state for the first time in 75 years. But there's good news.
One piece of public land, two very different perspectives about how to use it, and the agency that somehow has to appease them both.
Turns out, the pollution from our tires and brakes can rival tailpipe emissions.
One of the flashiest rescue stories of the last century, and what it tells us about the power of animal activism to make enduring change.
From "Colorado Brown Stain" to Dr. Strangelove, we look at the weird history (and surprising science) behind fluoridated water.