Anti-Nuclear groups are disappointed by a recent Federal Court decision regarding their role in the Seabrook Nuclear Plant re-licensing process.
On Friday, the Federal Appeals Court in Boston rejected the petition from three anti-nuclear groups to re-instate their intervenor status in the plant’s re-licensing application. The petition sought to overturn a Nuclear Regulatory Commission ruling excluding them from public hearings on the issue. A Three judge panel decided that the NRC’s Atomic Safety and Licensing board erred in granting opponents of the plant intervenor status. Doug Bogen, of the Seacoast Anti-Pollution League says that the groups sought to make the point that wind power could replace nuclear energy.
"It seemed pretty clear that the judges were taking the side of the industry and the NRC. At least, they didn’t seem inclined to go against their decision."
NextEra Energy seeks a 20 year extension of its current license, which expires in 2030. Bogen says he now believes that the Seabrook Plant will ultimately receive its operating extension.