The Balsams Resort in Dixville Notch has been sold. NHPR’s Chris Jensen reports.
After two earlier deals fell through the Balsams Resort has been sold.
Tom Deans is the president of the Tillotson Corp. which owned the resort.
“The Tillotson Corp. is proud to announce that it has sold the Balsams Grand Resort to two North Country business leaders, Dan Hebert and Danny Dagesse.
Hebert owns a construction business. Dagasse owned a chain of auto dealerships.
The selling price was $2.3 million and a renovation of the property is expected to take about 18 months. During that time the hotel will remain closed.
Rick Tillotson, the youngest son of Neil Tillotson who bought the hotel in 1954 and died in 2001, said he was saddened that so many people would be out of work for so long.
But he said he understood that there wasn't time for the new owners to come up with a plan that could have kept the hotel open and people working.
Deans also said there’s a second component to the arrangement.
“A significant portion of the Balsams land will be placed under conservation protection by The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire forests.”
A Forest Society spokesman said that would prevent the Northern Pass project from using the land.
For NHPR News this is Chris Jensen