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Citing Lack Of Support, Broderick Steps Down From UNH Law Post

Allegra Boverman

The former New Hampshire state supreme court Chief Justice is stepping down from the UNH School of Law Warren B. Rudman Center.

John Broderick , who was Dean of the UNH Law School before he left that post to lead the Rudman Center last year, told NHPR that he and university administrators differed over the Rudman Center's future.

"I love the Rudman Center and what it stood for and its potential, and I can assure you I would never have left a job I love that much and a center that I helped found if I was getting support from the university," Broderick said. 

The University said in a written statement Tuesday that the Rudman Center is a "visible forum for important policy discussions and is supporting students' interests in public legal service careers." A mission, the school says, it is committed to.

Broderick was Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court from 2004 to 2010. His resignation will take effect June 1.

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