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Concerns About N.H.'s Moose Population

Long before Bullwinkle, has the moose been an iconic favorite in the state. In fact, naturalists for years have referred to them as 'charismatic megafauna'.  But recently the numbers of these gentle giants have reduced, some blame disease, others climate change. Now the state is doling out nearly $700.00 to tag and study the antlered animal. Today we learn more about the moose and what's being done to bring its numbers back.


  • Eric Orff: consultant to the National Wildlife Federation and former Merrimack County New Hampshire Fish and Game Commissioner
  • Erika Butler: Wildlife Veterinarian and lead investigator on the adult moose mortality project for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Laura is well known in New Hampshire for her in-depth coverage of important issues and is widely regarded for her interviews with presidential hopefuls. Laura is a graduate of Keene High School in New Hampshire. Prior to hosting The Exchange, Laura worked in public radio in Washington, D.C. as a local reporter and announcer for WAMU and as a newscaster for NPR. Before her radio career, she was a researcher for USA Today's "Money" section, and a research assistant at the Institute for International Economics. Laura occasionally guest hosts national programs such as The Diane Rehm Show and Here and Now. In 2007 Laura was named New Hampshire Broadcaster of the Year by the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters.
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