Anti-nuclear groups from New Hampshire--and around the country--will be in court Thursday in Boston. They will argue for inclusion into the Seabrook Nuclear Plant re-licensing process.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission rejected the groups' call for intervenor status in the plant's relicensing application. That ruling superseded that of the NRC's own Atomic Safety and Licensing Board decision to allow the groups to hold a public hearing on nuclear energy alternatives like wind energy.
Paul Gunter of the Washington-based Beyond Nuclear Group says that its attorney will argue for re-instatement into the process.
"The evidence continues to mount, studies, articles, scientific findings, that renewal energy and more specifically the contribution of wind will make dramatic changes in energy policy."
The group's attorney will appeal the NRC decision in the First District Appeals Court in Boston. The Seabrook plant's owner, Nextera Energy, seeks an extension of its present operating permit for 20 more years, until 2050.