In their first primary debate Wednesday morning, Republican Congressional candidate Rich Ashooh and incumbent Frank Guinta sparred over Guinta’s campaign finance violations.
During the debate on WGIR, Ashooh said voters should be concerned about the $355,000 in illegal contributions Guinta’s parents made to his campaign committee in 2010.
“The fact that this is still an issue says something to the voters. It says that we’re dealing with politicians who believe they’re operating by a different set of rules. And in order for Republicans to hold people like Hillary Clinton accountable and other Democrats accountable and things like voter fraud, we need to make sure we are above reproach. And I don’t think that’s the case here.”
The Federal Election Commission concluded the contribution was illegal, and ordered Guinta to repay the money and hit him with a fifteen thousand dollar fine.
Guinta says he’s apologized and the issue is resolved, adding voters care more about other problems, like how he’ll address the state’s opioid addiction crisis.