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Journey Song Shares Gift Of Music With Hospice Patients

Journey Song

Journey Song, a group of singers based in the New Hampshire Seacoast, brings the solace of music to hospice patients and their families. Ed Brown remembers how the group sang for his wife, Judith Whipple Brown.

“When they came in the room, my wife had a great big smile. You could see the glow. They asked if she had a favorite song, and she said it was ‘Amazing Grace.’ They came four times all together, and they always sang that song,” Brown said. “They would also sing her ‘Songs of Angels,’ because my wife loved angels. When she was in the hospital, she said could see one in the room.”

Knowing of his wife’s love for music and singing, Brown requested that Journey Song come and sing to his wife in her last days. “She would try to sing, but at the end she would move her mouth and nothing would come out because she had lost her speech to the cancer,” Brown said.

Journey Song’s dedication to and love for those in hospice care touched and encouraged Brown and his wife during the last weeks of her life. “They made me feel good inside of my heart because they felt compassion for my wife. What they do is beautiful, and they do it all on their own time. I just can’t describe it,” Brown said. “It’s a beautiful, loving thing that they do.”

After what would have been 42 years of marriage this past March, Brown tearfully remembered the joy that the choral group had brought his wife through their songs. “Journey Song was so happy and caring to people they didn’t even know. If there were more people like them in the world, it would be a happier and better place.”

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