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Kuster Promotes Jobs Agenda In Nashua

Josh Rogers for NHPR

Second District Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster is promoting the latest version of what she calls her Jobs and Opportunity Agenda.

Kuster talked up ways to develop the state's workforce during a visit to Nashua Community College. 

Kuster first issued a jobs agenda in 2014. Back then she stressed the need for better vocational education, and partnerships between business and schools to deepen the pool of skilled workers. She's still talking about that.

But Kuster says some challenges facing workers and businesses have changed. The opioid epidemic has hurt productivity, and the tight labor market has employers scrambling to find workers.

Kuster says she hopes national economic trends can boost her agenda.

"As the unemployment rate comes down around the country, there is more and more attention to this and I am working with a group of business-oriented Democrats and we are reaching across the aisle towards a group of employee-oriented Republicans."

Voters can expect to hear more about her jobs initiatives as she seeks re-election.

Josh has worked at NHPR since 2000.
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