The long-awaited Broad Street Parkway in Nashua opened to traffic on Saturday.
Nashua Mayor Donnalee Lozeeau stood on the newly built Broad Street Parkway by the bridge that crosses the Nashua River.
In her opening remarks, she welcomed the crowd to the largest municipally managed project in the state of NH’s’ history.
Lozeau said the project may also be one of the longest. Planning for the 80 million dollar project began decades ago to reduce traffic on Main Street.
“It was also designed to help bring redevelopment to the millyard. And to open access to the Mohawk Tannery site, 29 acres that is now going to be available”

The close to two-mile stretch routes vehicles from the F.E. Everett Turnpike from Broad Street into the western edge of downtown.
A crowd of onlookers cheered as the first drivers hit the road.