With the lilacs every spring comes an unwelcome harbinger of the season: black-legged ticks. And with New Hampshire near the top of the list of states with the highest incidence of Lyme disease, Granite Staters take this tiny arachnid seriously. We'll find out what's new this season in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention when it comes to this tick-borne illness.
- Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tickborne disease, with over 1,000 cases reported each year in N.H.
- The annual incidence of Lyme disease is highest among the 5-14 year age group.
This program was originally broadcast on May 18, 2016.
Read a write-up of the hour-long conversation here.
- Dr. Benjamin Chan, state epidemiologist for New Hampshire’s Department of Health and Human Services.
- Alan Eaton, UNH Cooperative Extension Entomologist and Integrated Pest Management Specialist. Alan has been studying ticks and Lyme disease in New Hampshire for two decades.
- Abigail Mathewson, Surveillance Epidemiology Program Manager, and State Public Health Veterinarian at New Hampshire’s Department of Health and Human Services. DHHS is currently seeking volunteers to serve as piloting sites for the educational materials. Interested groups should contact carolyn.fredette@dhhs.nh.gov.
We'll also hear from Aubrey Nelson, president of New Hampshire Environmental Educators, and Science Teacher and Outdoor Program Coordinator at the Beech Hill School, and Dave Anderson, Director of Education & Volunteer Services for the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, where he's responsible for conservation education programs for Forest Society members, conservation partners, schools and the general public.
Watch a video from Alan Eaton and UNH Cooperative Extension about how to protect yourself from ticks:
Read more:
- NH DHHS Lyme Disease fact sheet: answers what is it, how is it transmitted, what are the symptoms, is there a vaccine, etc.
- 2015 N.H. Tick-borne Disease Bulletin: includes details on incidence in N.H. of four tickborne illness: Lyme, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Powassan Virus.
- Biology and Management of Ticks in N.H.: reports on tick species in N.H., where they're located, diseases they carry, and how to prevent bites.
- State of N.H. Tickborne Disease Prevention Plan: broad resource document on N.H.'s ticks, their life-cycle, infection prevalence, host population, tick checks, removal, and repellents, backyard landscaping for tick control.