It’s town meeting season. Around Newfound Lake Several towns are contemplating non-binding resolutions to take the pulse of voters on the question of wind-farms.
Grafton, Alexandria, and Groton – all towns that wind developers are courting – have warrant articles asking the town to support of oppose wind farms, or requiring wind developers to set aside money for taking turbines down at the end of their lifespan. Bridgewater, which would look across the lake at the towers but which has no wind-farms proposed inside the town-lines, is also voting on similar warrants. Danbury has no wind warrant articles this year.
The votes show strong sentiment against more wind-farms in the area, and scant support. In Grafton voters signalled opposition to wind-development in three of the non-binding warrant articles by 4-to-1 and 5-to-1 margins, and in Alexandria the spread was more than 2 to 1. In Bridgewater, four votes opposing windfarms passed unanimously or nearly unanimously.