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N.H. Senate Once Again Considers Spate of Drug-Related Bills

Allegra Boverman for NHPR

The New Hampshire Senate today will once again tackle a handful of bills geared at the state’s opioid crisis. Many of the proposals being related to illegal drug use.

Legislation to legalize needle exchange programs overwhelmingly passed the House last month but was then changed significantly in committee by the Senate.

The original bill sought to legalize needle exchange programs as well as decriminalize heroin residue on used syringes, but now the bill simply creates a study commission on this issue.

Another measure up for debate seeks to change how money seized during drug busts is deposited. Under current law, this money is put into a special drug fund but this proposal would have these dollars go directly into the General Fund. If the Senate approves the measure, the Governor has said she will veto it.

Meanwhile a bill likely to fall flat in the Senate, is one that would allow illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine to be collected at drug-take back programs. Those opposed argued it would cause too many issues for law enforcement.

Besides drug related bills, the Senate is also considering legislation on keno, drones and the location of the Merrimack Superior Court. 

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