This week, Brady runs down this week's smack talk from the trail, seeks some help for his addiction to polls, and finds out why candidates flipped pancakes in Manchester. Plus, why is one of Donald Trump's Town Captains voting for Rand Paul?
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This week's Three Words: Rivalry, Resurgence and Representatives help us sum up the week.
Forget the polls! (Except the ones that show how great I'm doing): This week we got an email from NPR in Washington with some warnings about polls, essentially saying that they're so volatile this close to the primary the best thing to do is take a deep breath and be patient - which Brady cannot do. So instead he called Steve Kuczela of the MassINC polling group to make sense of the latest poll trends.
Manchester's Wide And Wild Primary History: Candidates mostly go where the voters are – and the largest number of potential voters are to be found in New Hampshire’s largest city, Manchester. A new exhibit at Manchester’s Millyard Museum looks through the city's primary history, from John F. Kennedy’s visit to Victory Park on the eve of Election 1960, to walks with the mayor on Elm Street to selfies at the diner. It’s called “Manchester: The Primary and the Presidency.” Brady gets a tour from John Clayton, Executive Director of the Manchester Historic Association and Millyard Museum.
Town Chair For One Candidate, Voting For Another: New Hampshire voters are well known for making up their minds late in the primary process. Some are already on record as supporting one candidate or another, but even in those cases things aren’t quite cut and dried. That’s what reporter Brian Wallstin found when he called a town chair for Donald Trump's campaign who said he was planning to vote for Rand Paul.