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Six Properties added to New Hampshire's Registry of Historic Places

Six properties have been added to the NH state register of historic places. 

One of the unusual properties added this quarter: a roller shed in Freedom.

To be frank, it’s not an architectural prize to be looked at… but certainly, from its historical value, that’s an entirely different story.  

That’s Elizabeth Muzzey - Director of the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources.

Built in 1901, the shed once housed Freedom’s large-road grading equipment.

It represents the town’s historic efforts to maintain passable roads through every variety of nasty New England weather.

The roller shed now stands among more than 250 sites on the register – all chosen from submissions by New Hampshire property owners and stewards.

“So we are not out there picking and choosing and saying what should be important to the people of New Hampshire, but they are bringing to us what they feel is important and the stories and the reasons why. “

Also added to the list today, the Langdon Town Hall and Meeting House, the Jackson Road Railroad Trestle in Mason, and three buildings in the Enfield Village Historic District.

Taylor Quimby is Executive Producer of the environmental podcast Outside/In, Producer/Reporter/Host of Patient Zero, and Senior Producer of the serialized true crime podcast Bear Brook.
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