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As Print Continues To Decline, Digital Journalism Takes Hold

Simon Greening

A recent Pew Research report finds some bad news for traditional print media with newspapers seeing perhaps their worst year since the Great Recession.  But there's good news for all things digital: many more people are seeking information on social media sites and in the mobile realm.  We examine the trends on all platforms, and look at ramifications for the actual work of journalism.

  This program was originally broadcast on 8/23/16.


  • Meghan Heckman, former journalist and lecturer in the UNH Department of English and Journalism. She teaches a course in entrepreneurial journalism.   
  • Amy Mitchell, Director of Journalism at Pew Research Center and co-author of Pew's State of the News Media Report.

We'll also talk with Anne Galloway, Editor and Publisher of VTDigger.org, an online news website;   Trent Spiner, Executive Editor of the New Hampshire Union Leader, and Nancy West, founder of The New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism and Executive Editor of InDepthNH.org.

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