A contentious debate Thursday at the Statehouse revolved around pregnant women being allowed to murder people. This strange line of debate had to do with a possible mistake in a proposal that was passed earlier this month.
The discussion involved a bill on fetal homicide, which both Republican-controlled bodies passed earlier this session.
That bill allows a person who caused the death of a fetus of up to 20 weeks to be charged with homicide or manslaughter under New Hampshire law.
Thursday’s debate, however, centered on whether to make a slight change to that legislation, which many say created some unintended consequences. Specifically, language in the bill that ensures that women who have abortions won’t be charged with homicide, as written, might have let pregnant women legally kill.
That’s something Republican House Majority Leader Dick Hinch says needed to be fixed.
“No one in this chamber voted to allow anyone to be able to murder anyone. That was not the intent,” Hinch told his colleagues on the House floor.
The change passed both chambers and will head to the governor.