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Transgender Teen Says He was Kicked out of Christian School

A student claims the private, Christian school he's attended since kindergarten has told him he's no longer welcome because of his gender identity.

Seacoast Media Group reports  that Stiles Zuschlag transferred to a Maine public high school for his senior year after he was told he was no longer welcome at New Hampshire's Tri-City Christian Academy. Zuschlag, a transgender teen, said he was told he should consider homeschooling or counseling.

Tri-City Christian Academy administrator Paul Edgar declined to speak about Zuschlag's case citing privacy issues.

New Hampshire Department of Education spokeswoman Lori Kincaid said Tri-City Christian Academy doesn't receive federal funds through the state office.

New Hampshire education attorney Andru Volinsky said a religious school can legally ask a student to leave regardless of whether it receives federal funding.

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