We caught up with Sen. Kelly Ayotte on her way into NHPR's studios to ask her to give her best elevator pitch for why voters should consider sending her back to the Senate.
Ayotte was stopping by NHPR for an hourlong forum with The Exchange as part of our ongoing series of "Conversations with the Candidates" leading up to next week's elections. You can hear that full conversation here.
A few weeks ago, we also caught up with Gov. Maggie Hassan — who's challenging Ayotte for that Senate seat — to ask for her own elevator pitch, too. Check that out here, along with her full conversation with The Exchange.
If you're interested, you can catch up on all of the elevator pitches from the politicians who've visited our building right here.
https://vimeo.com/189698872">NHPR Elevator Pitch: Sen. Kelly Ayotte from https://vimeo.com/nhpr">New Hampshire Public Radio on Vimeo.