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  • Apple announced Monday that for the first time since the mid-1990s the company will start paying a dividend. At the end of 2011, Apple had almost $100 billion in cash burning a hole it its pocket, and investors have been clamoring for the company to start sharing the wealth.
  • In the past couple of months, computer giant Apple has come under criticism for working conditions in Chinese factories that help build iPads. Last week, NPR met with 25 workers injured in an explosion at an Apple supplier in Shanghai. They criticized safety at the plant and say the accident will have a lasting effect on their lives.
  • Amid growing concerns about its outsourcing practices, Apple posted a study showing it has helped create more than 514,000 jobs in the U.S. But many of those jobs are based in industries that indirectly benefited from Apple's business, and now some economists are calling foul.
  • Audits of working conditions are under way at Foxconn's manufacturing plants in China, a key link in Apple's supply chain of iPhones, iPads and other devices. The effort will include visits to at least three sites, "each with more than 100,000 workers," says Auret Van Heerden of the Fair Labor Association.
  • Caremore, a company that has revolutionized eldercare - providing better care and doing it profitably. The "next big thing" prediction for Apple - under…

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