Blue jays are common around the U.S. but not always popular at bird feeders.
The project is aimed at protecting Bobolinks and other birds that use hayfields to nest and raise their young in the early summertime.
The elusive yet bold spruce grouse is a little-known N.H. inhabitant that relies on forests that are specifically adapted to colder temperatures.
The virus is circulating in some wild birds here. But so far, it hasn’t spread to any commercial poultry flocks or dairy herds.
It may not seem like it, but the days are slowly lengthening, and there are other bright spots in a cold and windy landscape.
Migrating is one of the most dangerous times in a bird’s life. Turning off lights at night, putting stickers on windows, and keeping cats indoors can help.
New research from Dartmouth shows potentially harmful levels of mercury in black guillemot chicks, contributing to scientists’ understanding of mercury exposure for seabirds.
A seemingly routine construction project caught the eye of some local nature lovers, who say the grocery chain disrupted a vital habitat for local species.
Learning bird songs and calls links you to a kind of birding folklore passed down from generations of birders.
Want to know how hundreds of millions of birds die every year? Just look out the window.