The bill would limit how independent, undeclared voters in New Hampshire can participate in state primary elections.
The general election is Nov. 5. Here's what you need to know to find your polling place, cast a ballot and more.
We sent reporter Todd Bookman to check in with voters about how they are planning to spend Tuesday evening and beyond, as Election Day finally arrives.
NHPR’s Julia Furukawa talks with a local election worker and a lawyer about how NH voters can prepare for Election Day.
Los votos serán emitidos y contados el 5 de noviembre, pero los resultados finales para las elecciones de New Hampshire no estarán inmediatamente listos, ya que toma tiempo terminar los recuentos y el proceso de certificación formal.
Votes will be cast and counted on Nov. 5, but final results for New Hampshire’s elections won’t be ready immediately, as recounts and the formal certification process take time to complete.
It’s part of our civic duty, but voting is not always so straightforward and people don’t always feel represented.
NH Secretary of State David Scanlan has denied many of the central claims in the original article, published by Politico.
En vísperas de las elecciones, una profesora de ciudadanía incentiva a los miembros de la comunidad Latina que ya son ciudadanos americanos a aprovechar la oportunidad de votar, y registrarse con tiempo.