The Secretary of State’s office is reminding voters of new voter registration policies that could cause confusion at the polls.
The bill would limit how independent, undeclared voters in New Hampshire can participate in state primary elections.
Twenty-seven voters used affidavit ballots — with just three people returning proof of identity —during the November general election. The law allowing for their use has been repealed.
The general election is Nov. 5. Here's what you need to know to find your polling place, cast a ballot and more.
Secretario de Estado ordena el uso de papeletas de declaración jurada el día de las elecciones, a pesar de las fechas contradictorias de la ley. Un equipo de la división de seguridad nacional de NH viajó a Florida.
Lawyers for the ACLU of New Hampshire are representing a coalition of plaintiffs challenging the constitutionality of a recently passed voter ID law that is among the strictest in the country.
Filed in federal court Tuesday, the case argues that the new law “erects severe and needless barriers” to vote.
The law doesn't take effect until after this November's elections.
The bill requires voters to produce a photo ID on Election Day or be barred from voting.
Troy Merner avoided jail time but will lose his right to vote in the state after illegally voting in a town where he no longer lived.