After almost any act of violence, be it a suicide or a mass school shooting, people ask questions, which usually boil down these questions: How could we…
Advocates of the rights to own guns and those who want to restrict the laws governing them are often on opposing sides of the conversation. But many find…
It's no surprise to Granite Staters that New Hampshire is one of the safest places in the country.According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program,…
As part of NHPR's news series, A Loaded Issue, we’re asking Granite Staters to weigh in with their thoughts about gun ownership, laws governing guns, and…
Throughout this week’s series on guns, we’ve heard from residents of rural New Hampshire who think of firearms as a tool.That’s a perspective you’ll hear…
In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting there’s been an increase in calls for gun control on Capitol Hill.There might not be a more…
As part of NHPR’s series, A Loaded Issue, we take a historical look at our attitudes toward firearms that have shaped our laws then and now. A libertarian…
As the debate over gun policy occupies center stage in Washington, N.H. lawmakers are also considering several bills that relate to guns.The most…
As part of NHPR's news series, A Loaded Issue, we’re asking Granite Staters to weigh in with their thoughts about gun ownership, laws governing guns, and…
As we heard earlier in this series, many rural residents of New Hampshire have a strong connection to guns. But that wasn’t always the case.Russell…